Digital3x sfa

GreenPark - Odessa
(Real Estate)

GreenPark Performance Marketing for Real Estate

High Level Results

2.5M People Reached
3.5% Increase in CTR
875 Deals Made
25, 000 Qualified Leads
More Than Doubled The Monthly Leads
60% Decrease in CPL
Went from $150 to $60
20% More Meetings
increase in scheduled meetings ratios for all of the projects

Project Overview

Leveraging Smart Retargeting and Optimal Strategies for Outstanding Results

The GreenPark Performance Marketing project embarked on a strategic endeavor to revolutionize lead generation and amplify conversions within the dynamic realm of real estate. By harnessing the power of smart retargeting campaigns and fine-tuning their marketing efforts, GreenPark achieved remarkable outcomes within an impressively concise timeline.

The Solution

Comprehensive Social Media Campaigns

With Digital3x’s assistance, GreenPark successfully utilized the power of Google Advertising to amplify its reach and attract qualified leads. Digital3x’s experienced team of Google Ads specialists worked closely with GreenPark to optimize keyword selection, refine ad copy, and enhance landing pages. By leveraging their expertise in targeting and campaign optimization, Digital3x empowered GreenPark to leverage targeted search ads and strategic display ads. This collaboration enabled GreenPark to tap into Google’s expansive advertising network, driving traffic and generating leads from users actively seeking real estate-related information.

Case Studies

Google Advertising

To ensure optimal performance and maximize return on investment, continually Digital3x Team optimized the Google and Facebook ad campaigns. This involved analyzing key performance metrics, such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per acquisition. Based on these insights, we made data-driven adjustments to ad targeting, messaging, and bidding strategies, fine-tuning the campaigns for optimal results.

Smart Retargeting Campaigns

Digital3x’s expertise in smart retargeting campaigns proved instrumental in optimizing conversions for GreenPark. Collaboratively, Our team and GreenPark implemented advanced tracking technologies such as Facebook Pixel and Google Ads remarketing. With a data-driven approach, we also created customized retargeting strategies that allowed GreenPark to re-engage potential customers who had previously shown interest in their real estate projects. This collaborative effort ensured personalized ads and content, reinforcing brand visibility and increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Continuous Optimization and Analysis

Our Team of Experts partnered closely with GreenPark to continuously optimize and analyze its marketing campaigns. With their data-driven approach, Digital3x monitored key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per conversion. By leveraging their collective expertise, Digital3x, and GreenPark identified areas of improvement and implemented iterative changes to targeting, ad creatives, and landing pages. This collaborative optimization approach allowed GreenPark to remain agile in the dynamic real estate market, driving optimal results and exceeding its performance goals.

What Worked Well

  1. Lead Generation Success: The campaign successfully generated over 25,000 leads, showcasing the effectiveness of the marketing strategies employed by GreenPark. This achievement demonstrates the ability to attract and engage a large number of potential customers in the real estate industry.

  2. Cost Per Lead Reduction: The cost per lead (CPL) was reduced by 60%, from 150 to 60. This significant decrease indicates efficient resource allocation and optimization, resulting in a more cost-effective approach to acquiring leads. It highlights the success of the campaign in utilizing marketing resources efficiently.

  3. Increased Scheduled Meetings Ratios: GreenPark achieved a remarkable 20% increase in scheduled meetings ratios for all of their projects. This improvement indicates a higher level of interest from potential customers, leading to more opportunities for sales and conversion.

  4. Smart Retargeting Campaigns: GreenPark’s implementation of smart retargeting campaigns proved successful in re-engaging potential customers who had previously shown interest but had not yet converted. This targeted approach helped to increase the conversion rate by optimizing interactions with interested prospects and reminding them of the project’s benefits.

  5. High Conversion Rate and Deal Closure: With a conversion rate of 3.5%, GreenPark was able to close approximately 875 deals from the leads generated. This demonstrates the effectiveness of their marketing strategies in driving successful conversions and actual sales.

  6. Early Project Sell-Out: The projects sold out after just four months, surpassing the target timeline by two months. This rapid success highlights the efficiency and impact of GreenPark’s performance marketing initiatives in driving quick sales and project completion.

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